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A | ABC Free Online Chemistry Journals![]() | Access and download Free peer-viewed open-access chemistry Journals arranged alphabetically. |
African Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health![]() | It is a quarterly peer-reviewed and evidence-based journal for all midwives and nurses who wish to keep up-to-date with developments in Africa, in matters relating to midwifery and women’s health. The journal provides clinical and professional articles and aims to advance skills, knowledge transfer and academic discussions in all aspects relating to midwifery practice and women’s health matters in Africa. | |
African Journals Online (AJOL)![]() | AJOL is the world’s largest online collection of African-published, peer-reviewed scholarly journals. It provides free online hosting for over 500 peer-reviewed journals from 31 African countries, using open-source software. Subjects covered: health, agriculture, education, climate change, and African studies. | |
AGRIS![]() | AGRIS is one of the most comprehensive databases in food and agricultural scientific literature, providing free access to over 13 million bibliographic records in 110 different languages | |
American Institute of Physics journals![]() | AIP Citation offers online access to a robust collection of close to 1 million articles from leading Physical Sciences publications including journals, conference proceedings, standards, and magazines published by AIP Publishing and AIPP’s publishing partners. | |
ASM Journal of Virology![]() | Journal of Virology (JVI) explores the nature of the viruses reporting important new discoveries and pointing to new directions in research of animals, archaea, bacteria, fungi, plants, and protozoa. | |
American Physical Society![]() | APS publications serve the international physics community with peer-reviewed research journals, news, and commentary about the latest research published in the Physical Review journals, news about and for members, information about physics and its place in the world, and blogs covering science policy, as well as fun and educational science news. | |
Acoustical Society of America (ASA)![]() | The Society has grown steadily in membership and stature since its organization in 1929. A variety of fields related to sound are represented: Physics, Measurement Technologies, and Instrumentation, Nearly All Engineering Disciplines, including, • Electrical • Mechanical • Civil • Aeronautical Robotics and Computer Sciences, Oceanography Ocean Engineering, Underwater Propagation Biology, Physiology, Psychology, Architecture (e.g., Concert Hall Design), Speech and Hearing, Music Noise and Noise Control, Noise Effects, Animal Bioacoustics, Structural Acoustics and Vibration | |
Antiquity Open![]() | Get access to quarterly reviews of World Archaeology whose archive goes back to 1927. | |
Annual Reviews![]() | Annual Reviews is a nonprofit publisher dedicated to synthesizing and integrating knowledge for the progress of science and the benefit of society. Subject Strengths: All subjects | |
B | BioOne Complete![]() | BioOne provides a unique aggregation of high-impact bioscience research journals featuring topics on global warming, stem cell research, ecological and biodiversity conservation. Subject Strengths biological, ecological, and environmental sciences. |
BioMedCentral Journals![]() | Open Access Publisher of High Impact peer-review journals in all subjects and BioMedicine | |
Bookboon e-books![]() | Bookboon is global eBook publisher which offers a wide range of over 900 textbooks for students and 600 eBooks for business professionals in 7 languages. They have free full-text e-books in Accounting, Economics & Finance, Engineering, IT & Programming, Languages, Marketing & Law, Natural Sciences, Statistics & Mathematics, Strategy & Management | |
British Institute of Radiology Journals![]() | BIR Publications is the publishing arm of the British Institute of Radiology (BIR), publishing books and journals covering all aspects of radiology, radiation oncology, medical physics and the underpinning sciences. | |
BUKU![]() | Covers e-books in technical and vocational training. (TVETS) including carpentry,Primary Agriculture, Primary Health Civil Engineering and Building Construction ,Drawing Office Practice, electrical Infrastructure Construction, Engineering and Related Design, Finance, Economics and Accounting, Hospitality Education and Development, Mechatronics, Office Administration, Process Instrumentation Process Plant Operations, Safety in Society, Tourism, Hairdressing etc. | |
Cambridge University Press – Cambridge Journals Online![]() | They have full text of over 380 Cambridge University Press Online Journals in Political Science, Linguistics, Social Science, Humanities, Law, Mathematics, Science, Medicine | |
Canadian Science Publishing (publisher of the NRC Research Press journals)![]() | Full text of 20 online peer-reviewed journals in a broad range of scientific disciplines with back files dating back to 1996 in most cases. Subjects covered are: botany, cell biology, Chemistry, civil engineering, earth science, fisheries and aquatic sciences, forestry, microbiology, physics, sport science, and zoology | |
Cochrane Library![]() | The Cochrane Library is a collection of online searchable databases containing high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. Cochrane Reviews represent the highest level of evidence on which to base clinical treatment decisions. In addition to Cochrane Reviews, The Cochrane Library provides other sources of reliable information, from other systematic reviews abstracts, technology assessments, economic evaluations and individual clinical trials all the current evidence in one single environment. | |
Core ![]() | CORE aggregates all open access research outputs from repositories and journals worldwide and makes them available to the public. Thus, facilitating free unrestricted access to research for all. | |
Directory of Open Access Books ![]() | DOAB has more than 750 free full-text e-books, all of which are in Open Access and meet academic standards covering all subjects and many languages. | |
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)![]() | It is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals. Subjects covered: science, technology, medicine, social science, and humanities | |
Duke University Press ![]() | Duke University Press Yearly publishes about 140 new books, more than 55 journals, and multiple digital collections. Subject covered: Business management, Education, Economic and finance, Geography, Innovation, Research methods, Social and sociology, Teaching methods, Urban & regional, Development studies, Environment, and mathematics. | |
E | Ebrary Pro Quest ![]() | Ebook central provides over 120,000 ebooks in all subject areas for academic pursuits. The database provides tools to enhance discovery, sharing and management. |
EBSCO Host Research Databases![]() | This collection provides access to eight comprehensive EBSCOhost databases covering a variety of disciplines: ● Academic Search Premier ● Business Source Premier ● ERIC ● MasterFILE Premier ● Newspaper Source ● Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition ● Health Source: Consumer Edition ● MEDLINE | |
Edinburgh University Press![]() | Publish books and journals in the humanities and social sciences. Subject strengths Archaeology, Architecture, Botany, Film, Media & Cultural Studies, History, Islamic Studies, Language & Linguistics, Law, Literary Studies, Philosophy, Politics, Religious Studies, Science & Social Science | |
Edward Elgar Online![]() | Edward Elgar publishes 400 book and journal titles annually and have successfully created a prestigious list of over 7,000 titles. Subject Strengths: Business Management, Economics and Finance, Geography, Law, Public Policy & Politics, Social Policy & Sociology | |
Elsevier Open access journals![]() | List of all A-Z articles in open access journals which are published by Elsevier have undergone peer review that is permanently free for everyone to read and download in different subjects |
Emerald insight ![]() | Manages a range of digital products, a portfolio of nearly 300 journals, more than 2,500 books on Education, Sociology, marketing, Human Resource, business disciplines, engineering, and materials science | |
ERIC Institute of Education Science![]() | Have access to Bibliographic records of education literature, plus a growing collection of full text resources | |
Encyclopedia Britannica![]() | Developed specifically to provide comprehensive and global coverage of the world around us. It contains thousands of timely, relevant, and essential articles drawn from the Encyclopædia Britannica itself, as well as from the Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, the Britannica Encyclopedia of World Religions, and Compton’s by Britannica. Written by international experts and scholars, the articles in this collection reflect the standards that have been the hallmark of the leading English-language encyclopedia for over 240 years. | |
Euclid Prime Collection ![]() | Project Euclid hosts over 1.8 million pages of open-access content. Subject covered: Applied mathematics, statistics, theoretical mathematics | |
European Respiratory Journals ![]() | Adult and paediatric respiratory medicine, including cell biology, epidemiology, immunology, oncology, pathophysiology, imaging, occupational medicine, intensive care, sleep medicine, and thoracic surgery. | |
F | Free Book Center![]() | This portal focuses primarily on academic material. It has a keyword search tool and also a list of broad subject categories. One of the principal categories is Medicine which is divided into a lengthy list of sub-categories. Each entry notes the title, language format and many contain a one sentence summary plus the link to the PDF. |
Free Books 4 Doctors![]() | Free full-text textbooks on medical literature. Have unrestricted access to scientific knowledge. | |
Free-Ebooks.NET![]() | Discover all-new, rising authors. Independent writers offer both entertaining fiction/romance for your enjoyment and non-fiction to help you find info from self-help to biz growth. | |
G | Geological Society – The Lyell Collection Complete ![]() | Launched in 2007 to celebrate 200 years of the Geological Society of London, the Lyell Collection is an online collection comprising of the Society’s journal titles, Special Publications and key book series – plus journals published on behalf of other societies. Cutting edge science sits alongside important historical material, all captured and presented to the highest electronic standards and benefiting from the extensive functionality of HighWire Press’ platform |
Geological Society![]() | Covers the geosciences e-resources. It shares the courtyard with the Royal Academy of Arts, the Royal Astronomical Society, the Society of Antiquaries of London, the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Linnean Society of London. | |
Google Books![]() | Read Full text books online free. You can also save links/ Citation of books in your personal google account. | |
H | Hindawi![]() | Hindawi publishes peer-reviewed, Open Access journals across many areas of science, technology, and medicine, as well as several areas of social science. Hindawi’s journals are indexed in the leading abstracting and indexing databases, including the Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, INSPEC, Mathematical Reviews, and Chemical Abstracts. |
HeinOnline![]() | HeinOnline’s International Core package provides access to 300+ years of information on political development and the complete history of the creation of government and legal systems around the world. Among the many databases included, HeinOnline’s journal collection features more than 2,800 periodicals relating to a variety of subject areas, with all coverage dating from inception to the most currently published issues in most cases.Subject Strength: Law | |
HST – The Biomedical and Life Sciences Collection (TBLSC)![]() | Subject Strength: agriculture & environment, biochemistry, cancer, cell biology, clinical medicine, disease disorders & treatment, methods, immunology, metabolism & nutrition, microbiology, neuroscience, omics & systems biology, pharmaceutical sciences, reproduction & development | |
I | International Monetary Fund (IMF)![]() | Access to information and perspective on macroeconomics, globalization, development, trade, and aid, technical assistance, demographics, emerging markets, policy advice, poverty reduction, and so much more. |
IEEE![]() | IEEE/IET Electronic Library Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications, Computer Science; Architecture, Imaging Science& Photographic | |
IMF eLibrary![]() | The IMF is viewed as one of the world’s most authoritative sources for economic information, analysis and harmonized statistics. IMF eLibrary provides comprehensive data and original analysis, with coverage of almost every economy in the world and a special focus on developing and emerging economies. They have more than 15,000 titles and one million data series; archival material to 1948. | |
Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences (INFORMS)![]() | INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences) publishes 14 scholarly journals, including the flagship journals Management Science and Operations Research. They publish journals on these subjects: Operations Research, Management Science, Analytics, Operations Management, Information Systems, Decision Analysis, Research Theory, Marketing Research and Science, Computing and Information Technologies, Research Theory, Strategic Management, Mathematical Theory, Supply Chain Management, Science Research and Education | |
InTechOpen![]() | Read, download full text free open access eBooks and on:Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology (1281)Life Sciences (362)Health Sciences (835)Social Sciences and Humanities (44) | |
IWA(The international Water Association) Publishing ![]() | IWA Publishing publishes 17 peer-reviewed journals, plus supporting 4 more in association with Elsevier. Subjects covered: Agriculture, Land, and water management, Water Science and Technology, Hydrology Research | |
IOPscience![]() | IOPscience is an online service for journal content published by IOP Publishing. IOPscience embraces innovative technologies to make it easier for researchers to access scientific, technical and medical content. IOP publishes more than 70 of the world’s most prestigious journals in physics and related sciences | |
J | JSTOR![]() | JSTOR is a growing digital library of academic journals, books, and primary source objects. It helps students, scholars, and other individuals discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content through a powerful research and teaching platform. Subject areas include: Business, Economics, History, Political Science, Language & Literature, Art & Art History, Music, Mathematics & Statistics, Education, Area Studies, Life Sciences, and Ecology & Botany |
K | KICD![]() | The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) was established by the Government of Kenya on the 14th of January 2013 under an Act of Parliament- It also evaluates vets and approves the curricular and curriculum support materials for basic and tertiary education, as well as offering curriculum based consultancy services in basic and tertiary education and trainin |
LAW AFRICA LAW e-books![]() | African law ebooks are electronic books (ebooks) that cover various legal topics pertaining to the African continent, text case law for East Africa. These ebooks can encompass a wide range of subjects, including constitutional law, commercial law, human rights law, and more. They are authored by legal scholars, practitioners, and organizations with expertise in African law. | |
LAW AFRICA LAW reports![]() | A database which provides access to selected full text case law for East Africa (including Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania). Access available on Request | |
L | Liverpool University Press![]() | An award-winning academic publisher that produces approximately 75 books a year and 25 journals, specializing in literature, modern languages, history, and visual culture. Our journal collection highlights the breadth and scope of journals that complement each other in history, literature, language, cultural studies, religious studies, and planning. |
Lexis Nexis Legal Library![]() | Lexis library delivers thousands of trusted legal, tax and regulatory sources, such as: Butterworths, Halsbury’s Laws, Tolley’s, Harvey on Industrial Relations and Employment Law and Civil Court Practice. Plus, Wide-ranging Primary sources material including all England Law Reports, Encyclopedia of forms and Precedents, Atkins Court Forms among others. | |
M | Mathematical Sciences Publishers (MSP) ![]() | They publish more than 17,000 high-quality pages per year. Subject coverage: Mathematics, Mechanics & engineering |
MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute)![]() | MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute) is an academic open-access publisher which publishes 150 diverse peer-reviewed, scientific, open access, electronic journals is all subjects. MDPI publishing activities are supported by more than 9,900 active scientists and academic editors on their journals’ international editorial boards, including several Nobelists. More than 187,500 individual authors have already published with MDPI. receives more than 4.2 million monthly web page views. | |
Memorial University Libraries – Free ![]() | Free E-journals on all research subject areas from different databases | |
N | Nature Publishing Group eJournals ![]() | It brings you leading scientific and medical research from across the globe. It publishes over 60 journals that are open access or offer open access options. These include Nature Communications, Scientific Reports, Frontiers, Scientific Data, and Horticulture Research. Subjects include: Chemistry, Clinical Practice & Research, Earth & Environment, Life sciences, and Physical sciences. |
National Center for Biotechnology Information![]() | NCBI bookshelf provides free online access to books and documents in Life Science and Healthcare. | |
O | OECD iLibrary![]() | OECD is the world’s largest think-tank, renowned for its authoritative, internationally comparable statistics, analysis, and outlooks in Economics, Public Policy, Social Sciences and Environmental issues. |
Open Access for Africa![]() | Open access for Africa is a search engine that filters your search to prioritize results from open access journals and databases in Nursing and Medicine. It offers an orientation on how to optimize online searching and provides links to free access journals and databases. Resources featured in this guide include journals with full-text access, free medical textbooks, free databases, best search strategies and information about partnering institutions in Africa. | |
OpenEdition Journals ![]() | Is a bundle of 175 journals in the Humanities and Social Sciences, published by university presses and small academic publishers. | |
Open Book Publishers![]() | Is a bundle of 175 journals published by university presses and small academic publishers. Subject coverage: Humanities and Social Sciences | |
Optical Society of America (OSA)![]() | They contain 15 Optics and photonics journals published by OSA, conference papers, and selected OSA meeting content, including Advances in Optics and Photonics (AOP), new in 2009. The Optical Society of America brings together optics and photonics scientists, engineers, educators, technicians and business leaders. | |
OUP: Oxford Journals![]() | OUP offers access to 324 prestigious and authoritative journals published in collaboration with some of the world’s most influential and scholarly professional societies. The 2017 Oxford Journals Collection includes cited journals in the fields of Medicine, Life Sciences, Humanities, Law, Mathematics and Physical Sciences, and Social Sciences. | |
![]() Oxfam policy and practice | Free access to 5000 publications including policy papers, research reports, technical briefs, case studies, books and journal articles. Insight into our current policy, programme and research areas. Blogs and podcasts by and for development and humanitarian professionals. Links to online courses, webinars and other learning materials. | |
Oxford Handbooks Online![]() | Oxford Handbooks Online is an outstanding collection of the best Handbooks areas across 17 different subject areas. One of the most prestigious and successful strands of Oxford’s scholarly publishing, the Handbook series contains in-depth, high-level articles by scholars at the top of their field. | |
P | Palgrave Macmillan eJournals![]() | Palgrave Macmillan, one of the largest publishers of cutting-edge academic resources, publishing across all formats in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Business. Site license access is also available across over 60 peer-reviewed journals. Subjects covered by this database are: business and management, economics, education, information systems and technology, political science and international studies, social and cultural studies, urban design and architecture |
Perlego![]() | Perlego is a digital library that offers readers unlimited access to over 1 million academic, professional and non-fiction eBooks. Perlego offers ebooks from local and international publishers and allows users to read both online and offline on most smartphones, tablets or laptop devices. | |
Policy Press![]() | Publishes over 120 peer-reviewed books each year and 7 journals in a wide range of print and digital editions for researchers, students, professionals, practitioners, politicians, policymakers and the informed general reader as well as for libraries and other institutions globally. | |
Project Muse Books ![]() | Subject strength: area & ethics studies, art & pacific studies, art & architecture, creative writing, education, film theater & performance arts, history, language & linguistics, library science & publishing, literature, medicine & health, music, philosophy, religion, science technology & mathematics, social sciences, studies by time period and women’s studies gender & sexuality. | |
Project Gutenberg![]() | It is a library of over 60,000 free eBooks. Choose among free epub and Kindle eBooks, download them or read them online. You will find the world’s great literature here, with a focus on older works. Thousands of volunteers digitized and diligently proofread the eBooks, for enjoyment and education. | |
Public Library of Science (PLOS)![]() | Is a non-profit offering public access to titles in science and medicine. Since 2003 they have published a variety of journals, including PLOS Biology and PLOS Medicine, which rival existing elite titles such as Science and Nature. | |
PubPsych![]() | its a vertical open access information retrieval system for psychological resources, coordinated by the research support organization Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information (ZPID). The search interface is available in English, Spanish, French, and German. PubPsych includes over 800.000 datasets | |
R | Reseach4Life (AGORA HINARI, AGORA, OARE, ARDI) ![]() | Research4Life has four main programs – HINARI, AGORA, OARE, ARDI – that provide research for free or at low cost to institutions in the developing world. Their central goal is achieving universal access to scientific, technical and medical research information and to foster a strong and independent research culture in the developing world – one that is fully integrated into the international research community with sustainable economic development and enhanced quality of life. |
RefSeek![]() | is a web search engine for students and researchers that aims to make academic information easily accessible to everyone. RefSeek searches more than five billion documents, including web pages, books, encyclopedias, journals, and newspapers. | |
Royal Society – Royal Society Journals Online![]() | Contain ten leading international journals from the Royal Society, the UK’s national academy of science. Titles cover biological and Mathematics, engineering and other physical sciences, Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary science and include Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, the world’s first science journal. | |
Royal Society of Chemistry – RSC Journals Archive![]() | The Royal Society of Chemistry is the world’s leading chemistry community, a not-for-profit organization with 170 years of history and a scientific publisher of high-impact journals and books. Subject Strengths Biology, Biophysics, Chemical Science, Materials, Medicinal Drug Discovery, and Physics |
S | Sage Journals![]() | Has a portfolio of over 900 journals. Subject Strengths: Humanities, Social Sciences, Scientific, Technical and Medical |
Sage Research Methods ![]() | SAGE Research Methods links over 175,000 pages of SAGE’s renowned book, journal and reference content with truly advanced search and discovery tools. It is a research methods tool created to help researchers, faculty, and students with their research projects. SAGE contains content from over 720 books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and handbooks | |
Science Direct![]() | ScienceDirect links books and journals to nurture deeper insights. Subject strengths, Physical Sciences, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Engineering, Agriculture, Biological Science, Medicine, Arts and Humanities, Business Management and Accounting, Decision Science, Economics, Psychology, and Social Science. | |
Scientific Reports ![]() | Scientific reports contains free open access journals on biological sciences, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Health Sciences, Agriculture, Forestry, water resources and Physical Sciences. One can also submit their manuscript for quick review and publishing | |
Scholar![]() | A freely accessible web search engine that indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines | |
Scientific Research ![]() | Access to Open Access E-Resources, E-books in Biomedical & Life Sciences, Business & Economics, Chemistry & Materials Science, Computer Science & Communications | |
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journals ![]() | SIAM fosters the development of applied mathematical and computational methodologies needed in these various application areas. Applied mathematics in partnership with computational science is essential in solving many real-world problems. Through publications, research, and community, the mission of SIAM is to build cooperation between mathematics and the worlds of science and technology. | |
Springer eJournals ![]() | Springer is one of the leading international scientific publishing companies. Springer’s e-journals cover a wide range of subjects within science, technology, medicine, the humanities, behavioral sciences, social sciences, and law. | |
Springer Nature![]() | Springer Nature advances discovery by publishing robust and insightful research, supporting the development of new areas of knowledge, making ideas and information accessible around the world, and leading the way on open access. | |
Springer Open![]() | Peer review articles in all subject areas in science, technology, medicine, the humanities, and social sciences | |
![]() | ![]() ![]() | Swahili Forum provides a unique platform for research articles on Swahili language, literature as well as on Swahili-speaking cultures and societies in Eastern Africa and the diaspora. As a peer-reviewed open-access journal, Swahili Forum has an unequalled status in international Swahili Studies. Reviews of current research literature and occasional interviews with outstanding Swahili-speaking authors and intellectuals add to the articles on offer. |
T | Taylor & Francis eBooks![]() | Offers instant access to the world’s premier Humanities, Social Sciences, Behavioural Sciences, Built Environment, STM and Law content |
![]() | Taylor & Francis Journals ![]() | Information Science, Interdisciplinary Studies, Language & Literature, Law, Mathematics & Statistics, Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing & Allied Health, Museum, Heritage Studies & Visual Arts, Physical Sciences, Reference & Information Science, Social Sciences, Social Work, Sports, Leisure, Travel & Tourism and Urban Studies |
The Company of Biologists Journals ![]() | Free access to three journals published by The Company of Biologists: Development, Journal of Cell Science, and Journal of Experimental Biology. Development; Journal of Cell Science; Journal of Experimental Biology | |
U | UCLA African Court Cases![]() | Have access to Prof. Rick Abel’s collection containing the research notes and files taken during his research during his visit to Kenya in the 1960s |
![]() | The UNESCO Digital Library is the repository of UNESCO’s institutional memory and a source of high-quality information on UNESCO activities (in education, natural sciences, social and human sciences, culture, and communication and information), with more than 350,000 documents dating back to 1945. It includes the collections of the UNESCO Library and several documentation centres in UNESCO’s Field Offices and Institutes, as well as the UNESCO Archives. The essential purpose of the UNESCO Digital Library is to share knowledge and to transmit it to future generations. | |
University of California Press ![]() | Access to 33 Journals of the University of California PressSubject strength: research, health, art & humanities | |
![]() | University of Chicago Press ![]() | The University of Chicago Press publishes nearly fifty scholarly journals, many on behalf of some of the world’s most prestigious societies, and several that were the first scholarly publications in their respective fields. The journals present original research in the social sciences, humanities, education, and biological and physical sciences. |
V | Virtual University of Uganda Open Access Library![]() | Universal content |
W | Wiley Online Library Full ![]() | Wiley Online Library is a leading international resource for scholarly content providing access to millions of articles across a wide range of journals. This package provides access to over 1,370 journals across all major academic disciplines i.e. Computer Science, Physics and Astronomy, Chemistry, Engineering, Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Mathematics & Statistics, Medicine & Nursing, Polymers and Materials Science, Business, Humanities, Social sciences |
![]() | Wiley Open Access journals ![]() | Wiley Open Access journals are supported by a network of authoritative journals and societies as well as internationally renowned editorial board members. All research articles published in Wiley Open Access journals are immediately freely available to read, download and share. Wiley Open Access publishes a number of online journals across biological, chemical and health sciences. |
![]() | World Bank e-library ![]() | The World Bank e-library is a value-added, subscription-based portal dedicated to all World Bank publications, research, and knowledge since the 1990s. It is specifically designed to meet the unique needs of researchers and librarians. It is used by the world’s top academic institutions, government agencies, central banks, national libraries, think tanks, NGOs, and IGOs. contains approximately 15,000 books, chapters, reports, journals, working papers, and case studies. Content in the e-library is carefully curated to meet the highest academic and editorial standards. Users of e-library are assured full and immediate access to all academic research and scholarship published by the World Bank – the majority made available through Creative Commons Attribution |
World Bank Africa Development Indicators![]() | The most detailed collection of data on Africa, containing over 1,600 indicators, covering 53 African countries and spanning the period 1961 to 2008. Data include social, economic, financial, natural resources, infrastructure, governance, partnership, and environmental indicators. | |
World Bank Development Indicators![]() | The primary World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially-recognized international sources. It presents the most current and accurate global development data available and includes national, regional and global estimates | |
Word Bank Global Development Finance![]() | Focuses on financial flows, trends in external debt, and other major financial indicators for developing countries. Includes over 200 time series indicators from 1970 to 2009, for most reporting countries. | |
World Bank Open Knowledge Repository![]() | Through the OKR, The World Bank collects, disseminates, and permanently preserves its intellectual output in digital form with the aim of encouraging innovation and allow anyone in the world to use Bank knowledge to help improve the lives of those living in poverty. |